The Cold Heart and Nose, the Dwarf. Two German Tales. Hauff Wilhelm
Книги на иностранных языках The Cold Heart and Nose, the Dwarf. Two German Tales. Hauff Wilhelm
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The Cold Heart and Nose, the Dwarf. Two German Tales. Hauff Wilhelm
Wilhelm Hauff was a writer of extraordinary fancy and invention, but working for a more obvious purpose, and producing narratives more related in character to popular legends. He was born in 1802, at Stuttgard, and in early life showed a great predilection for telling childish narratives. Being designed for the theological profession, he went to the University of Tubingen in 1820.
On leaving the university, Hauff became tutor to the children of the Wiirttemberg minister of war, General Ernst Eugen Freiherr von Hugel, and for them wrote his Tales, which he published in his Almanack of Tales for the year 1826.
Only a few of his famous tales take place in Germany, among them the Nose, the Dwarf and The Cold Heart.
Hauff needs only to be known to become popular in any country. His works, which are somewhat numerous, were published in a complete edition by the poet Gustav Schwab, in 1830.
Wilhelm Hauff died in 1827, before he had completed his twenty-sixth year.