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Книги на иностранных языках

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1 Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Kinney J.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Kinney J.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Kinney J.
942 руб
2 Official Examination Papers of Business Chinese Test A. Hanban
Official Examination Papers of Business Chinese Test A. Hanban
Official Examination Papers of Business Chinese Test A. Hanban
Official Examination Papers of Business Chinese Test BCT B - это книга для подготовки к официальному китайскому бизнес-экзамену, в частности, к первой части. В книге предлагается пять тренажеров для экзаменов, с ответами. Из серии: BCT 0000
1063 руб
3 The Neapolitan Novels Boxed Set. Ferrante E.
The Neapolitan Novels Boxed Set. Ferrante E.
The Neapolitan Novels Boxed Set. Ferrante E.
5076 руб
4 BCT Standard Course Book 2. Zhang Jie
BCT Standard Course Book 2. Zhang Jie
BCT Standard Course Book 2. Zhang Jie
BCT Standard Course представляет собой комбинацию языкового курса и BCT (Business Chinese Test). Современное содержание УМК, в приложении содержится пробный тест. Учащиеся, прошедшие уровни 1-3 BCT Standard Course смогут сдавать первый уровень экзамена BCT (A). 0000
1183 руб
5 BCT Standard Course Book 3. Zhang Jie
BCT Standard Course Book 3. Zhang Jie
BCT Standard Course Book 3. Zhang Jie
BCT Standard Course представляет собой комбинацию языкового курса и BCT (Business Chinese Test). Современное содержание УМК, в приложении содержится пробный тест. Учащиеся, прошедшие уровни 1-3 BCT Standard Course смогут сдавать первый уровень экзамена BCT (A). 0000
1255 руб
6 Redencion. Gamboa Fernando
Redencion. Gamboa Fernando
Redencion. Gamboa Fernando
La novela revelaci?n del 2019. Un thriller perturbador y trepidante, diferente a cualquier otro que hayas le?do jam?s. Con esta novela regresa a las librer?as Fernando Gamboa, uno de los autores espa?oles m?s le?dos en todo el mundo. SI NO SIENTES UN ESCALOFR?O RECORRI?NDOTE LA ESPALDA, QUIZ? DESCUBRAS QUE LA OSCURIDAD YA LA TIENES DENTRO...
2405 руб
7 BCT Standard Course Book 1. Zhang Jie
BCT Standard Course Book 1. Zhang Jie
BCT Standard Course Book 1. Zhang Jie
BCT Standard Course представляет собой комбинацию языкового курса и BCT (Business Chinese Test). Современное содержание УМК, в приложении содержится пробный тест. Учащиеся, прошедшие уровни 1-3 BCT Standard Course смогут сдавать первый уровень экзамена BCT (A). 0000
1049 руб
8 Le Livre des Baltimore. Dicker J.
Le Livre des Baltimore. Dicker J.
Le Livre des Baltimore. Dicker J.
Jusqu’au jour du Drame, il y avait deux familles Goldman. Les Goldman-de-Baltimore et les Goldman-de-Montclair. Les Goldman-de-Montclair, dont est issu Marcus Goldman, l’auteur de La V?rit? sur l’Affaire Harry Quebert, sont une famille de la classe moyenne, habitant une petite maison ? Montclair, dans le New Jersey. Les Goldman-de-Baltimore sont
1286 руб
9 Les Derniers Jours de nos peres. Dicker J.
Les Derniers Jours de nos peres. Dicker J.
Les Derniers Jours de nos peres. Dicker J.
Londres, 1940. Soucieux de pallier l’an?antissement de l’arm?e britannique ? Dunkerque, Winston Churchill d?cide de cr?er une branche particuli?re des services secrets, le Special Operations Executive (SOE). Elle lui sera directement rattach?e, et charg?e de mener des actions de sabotage et de renseignement ? l’int?rieur des lignes ennemies. Tous
1175 руб
10 Menschen A2/1. Kursbuch. Habersack Charlotte
Menschen A2/1. Kursbuch. Habersack Charlotte
Menschen A2/1. Kursbuch. Habersack Charlotte
Zielniveau A2.1 - modularer Aufbau: jedes Modul besteht aus drei kurzen Lektionen und vier zus?tzlichen Modul-Plus-Seiten - die Lektionen umfassen je vier Seiten und folgen einem transparenten, wiederkehrenden Aufbau: - jede Lektion beginnt mit einer interessanten Einstiegssituation - meist mit einem H?rtext kombiniert -, die in die Thematik der
875 руб
11 A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens Charles
A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens Charles
A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens Charles
Against the backdrop of growing discontent in Paris, Doctor Manette is released from the Bastille after eighteen years of unjust imprisonment and begins a new life in England with his devoted daughter Lucie. There, the gifted but dissolute lawyer Sydney Carton and the exiled French nobleman Charles Darnay find their lives increasingly intertwined
412 руб
12 Amazing Planet. Mountains
Amazing Planet. Mountains
Amazing Planet. Mountains
573 руб
13 Studio-TA. Territory of architecture
Studio-TA. Territory of architecture
Studio-TA. Territory of architecture
Архитектурное бюро Studio-TA основано в 2007 году. В бюро работают архитекторы, инженеры и конструкторы с многолетним стажем, всех их объединяет ответственное отношение к работе, кропотливость и творческие амбиции. Бюро занимается проектированием жилых комплексов, общественных зданий, офисов продаж, коттеджей, мастер-планов градостроительных
2019 руб
14 Amazing Planet. Animals
Amazing Planet. Animals
Amazing Planet. Animals
573 руб
15 Amazing Planet. Australia
Amazing Planet. Australia
Amazing Planet. Australia
Este maravilloso ejemplar no muestras las m?s maravillosas im?genes de Australia, tales como Uluru, Northern Territory, Pinnacles Desert, West Australia, Mount Field National Park, Tasmania, Maria Island National Park, Tasmania, Kata Tjuta, Northern Territory. Este ejemplar contiene 5 litograf?as de Australia las m?s sorprendentes del mundo, que
573 руб
16 Amazing Planet. Africa
Amazing Planet. Africa
Amazing Planet. Africa
573 руб
17 Amazing Planet. Dunes
Amazing Planet. Dunes
Amazing Planet. Dunes
573 руб
18 Tracey Emin/Edvard Munch. The Loneliness of the Soul. Kari J. Brandtzaeg , Delaney Edith , Fuchs Rudi
Tracey Emin/Edvard Munch. The Loneliness of the Soul. Kari J. Brandtzaeg , Delaney Edith , Fuchs Rudi
Tracey Emin/Edvard Munch. The Loneliness of the Soul. Kari J. Brandtzaeg , Delaney Edith , Fuchs Rudi
Published to coincide with the major exhibition at the Royal Academy, London, November 2020 - February 2021 Tracey Emin (b. 1963) has long said that Edvard Munch (1863-1944) was the artist who had inspired her the most. In her formative years as an artist, it was the expressionism of Munchs paintings and his uncompromising will to explore the
2727 руб
19 The Experimental Self. Patricia G. Berman , Gunning Tom, Pappas MaryClaire
The Experimental Self. Patricia G. Berman , Gunning Tom, Pappas MaryClaire
The Experimental Self. Patricia G. Berman , Gunning Tom, Pappas MaryClaire
I have an old camera with which I have taken countless photographs of myself. It often produces astonishing effects, Edvard Munch states in a 1930 interview. Someday when I am old and have nothing better to do than work on an autobiography, all my photographic self-portraits will see the light of day again. The autobiography was never realised,
2619 руб
20 How to Design a Logo
How to Design a Logo
How to Design a Logo
Logo design is a systematic and integrated work. Logo designers are obliged to learn about market positioning, to communicate effectively with client, and conceive an idea thoroughly before a quick and precise execution is possible. Focusing on design thinking, the book showcases an array of distinguished logos, which fall into four categories:
2298 руб
21 Arms and Armour of Late Medieval Europe. Robert C. Woosnam-Savage
Arms and Armour of Late Medieval Europe. Robert C. Woosnam-Savage
Arms and Armour of Late Medieval Europe. Robert C. Woosnam-Savage
The idea of late medieval arms and armour often conjures up images of lumbering warriors, clad in heavy plate armour, hacking away at with each other with enormous weapons - depictions perpetuated in both bad literature and bad movies. In this introductory guide, replete with fabulous photography and marvellous anecdotes, internationally-renowned
1326 руб
22 Beauty Unusual. Masterworks from the Ceil Pulitzer Collection of African Art. Kloman Susan
Beauty Unusual. Masterworks from the Ceil Pulitzer Collection of African Art. Kloman Susan
Beauty Unusual. Masterworks from the Ceil Pulitzer Collection of African Art. Kloman Susan
Ceil Pulitzer started her journey as a collector of African art more than 30 years ago. Her artistic spirit has drawn her to all forms of culture and human expression. As a dedicated painter, she has relentlessly exercised her eye in the study of art and art history. As a collector of modern art first, she understood that African art shaped the
7563 руб
23 Chateau Mort. Oetker Alexander
Chateau Mort. Oetker Alexander
Chateau Mort. Oetker Alexander
Der kurioseste Marathon der Welt und ein ausgekl?gelter Mord: Commissaire Luc Verlain ermittelt wieder! Sein erster Sommer im Aquitaine neigt sich dem Ende entgegen doch kurz vor der Lese der edelsten Weine wird Frankreich von einer Hitzewelle erfasst. Und ausgerechnet nun findet der Marathon du M?doc statt, wo die L?ufer in bunten Kost?men
1387 руб
24 Living Paper. From Materials to Processes
Living Paper. From Materials to Processes
Living Paper. From Materials to Processes
A wonderful art book combining the history, techniques, and images of the astonishing contemporary works of artists from across the world who work in a range of art forms with paper as the media. The book opens the origin and history of paper art creation traditions and techniques, including Origami, Decoupage, Parchment Art, Paper Sculpture,
3458 руб
25 Packaged For Life. Coffee and Tea
Packaged For Life. Coffee and Tea
Packaged For Life. Coffee and Tea
The best things in life may not always be free, but they are often delightful to look at! Rather than be taken for granted, these feel-good goods deserve their time in the spotlight not only for the roles that they play, but also for the visual and aesthetic richness they add to our day to day just by sitting on our shelves. "Packaged for Life" is
3234 руб
26 Visual Appetizer. Branding and Interior Design of Restaurants, Cafes and Bakeries
Visual Appetizer. Branding and Interior Design of Restaurants, Cafes and Bakeries
Visual Appetizer. Branding and Interior Design of Restaurants, Cafes and Bakeries
Good food could never be perfect without a savory design. A successful visual design is already a great appetizer before you step in a dinning place. Graphic designers could be legitimately acclaimed as chefs that make inedible delicacy. 2020
2307 руб
27 The Art Of Quilted Flowers
The Art Of Quilted Flowers
The Art Of Quilted Flowers
What is quilling paper? Quilling paper is usually thought as colored paper, and indeed it is. However, not all types of paper are suitable for quilling. The strips of colored paper for the need of quilling are what we called quilling paper. 2020
2307 руб
28 Retour. Luc Verlain 1. Oetker Alexander
Retour. Luc Verlain 1. Oetker Alexander
Retour. Luc Verlain 1. Oetker Alexander
Commissaire Luc Verlains erster Fall im Aquitaine! Luc Verlain liebt gutes Essen, Frauen und sein sorgenloses Leben in Paris. Doch als sein Vater schwer erkrankt, l?sst Luc sich versetzen. Ausgerechnet nach Bordeaux in die Region Aquitaine, von wo er als junger Polizist geflohen war. Zur?ck in seiner Heimat muss Luc sich seinen Erinnerungen
1732 руб
29 La danza de los Tulipanes. Martin Ibon
La danza de los Tulipanes. Martin Ibon
La danza de los Tulipanes. Martin Ibon
La periodista m?s popular de Gernika es arrollada por el tren que cubre la l?nea de Urdaibai. La v?ctima ha sido fijada a la v?a con un delicado tulip?n entre sus manos. La flor, de un intenso y brillante rojo, es tan hermosa como dif?cil de encontrar en pleno oto?o. La escena, Cuidadosamente preparada, ha sido retransmitida en directo a trav?s de
1908 руб
30 Der Uberlaufer. Lenz Siegfried
Der Uberlaufer. Lenz Siegfried
Der Uberlaufer. Lenz Siegfried
Ein Roman von Siegfried Lenz erscheint mit 65 Jahren Versp?tung. 1951 geschrieben, ist "Der ?berl?ufer" Siegfried Lenz zweiter Roman. Obgleich vollendet und vom Autor mehrfach ?berarbeitet, blieb er bis 2016 unver?ffentlicht. Es ist der letzte Kriegssommer, die Nachrichten von der Ostfront sind schlecht. Der junge Soldat Walter Proska wird einer
1732 руб
31 Hand-Lettering. An Interactive Guide to the Art of Drawing Letters
Hand-Lettering. An Interactive Guide to the Art of Drawing Letters
Hand-Lettering. An Interactive Guide to the Art of Drawing Letters
Hand-lettering has taken the creative world by storm. In this fun, accessible interactive book, popular illustrator and designer Megan Wells introduces the basics of drawing words. Learn five major hand-lettering styles, then transform your writing into art. Practice pages allow you space to master each letter in every style. Sections demonstrate
1488 руб
32 In the Wake. Anne Nishimura Morse , Anne E. Havinga
In the Wake. Anne Nishimura Morse , Anne E. Havinga
In the Wake. Anne Nishimura Morse , Anne E. Havinga
The catastrophic events of March 11, 2011 the earthquake, tsunami, and ensuing nuclear meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant have been called the triple disaster in Japan. Among the first artists to respond to these experiences were photographers. Some, including those with personal ties to the affected Tohoku region, attempted to
4696 руб
33 Winteraustern. Luc Verlain 3. Oetker Alexander
Winteraustern. Luc Verlain 3. Oetker Alexander
Winteraustern. Luc Verlain 3. Oetker Alexander
Winterzeit am Bassin d Arcachon, das bedeutet f?r die Austernz?chter Hochkonjunktur. Allerdings auch f?r die Austerndiebe, denen man mit immer drastischeren Methoden begegnet. Und so m?ndet das, was eine besinnliche Bootsfahrt werden sollte, f?r Luc Verlain in einen Mordfall, der es in sich hat. Zusammen mit seinem Vater, einem ehemaligen
1732 руб
34 13th Floor Elevators. A Visual History. Drummond Paul
13th Floor Elevators. A Visual History. Drummond Paul
13th Floor Elevators. A Visual History. Drummond Paul
Born out of a union of club bands on the burgeoning Austin bohemian scene and a pronounced taste for hallucinogens, the 13th Floor Elevators were formed in late 1965 when lyricist Tommy Hall asked a local singer named Roky Erickson to join up with his new rock outfit. Four years, three official albums and countless acid trips later, it was over:
3419 руб
35 Christmas eve and a miracle for Bella
Christmas eve and a miracle for Bella
Christmas eve and a miracle for Bella
A sound book that gives young ones a first glimpse of Christmas, with twelve high quality sounds to make the story come alive. 2019
1456 руб
36 Tools for the Design Revolution. Nagele Christina
Tools for the Design Revolution. Nagele Christina
Tools for the Design Revolution. Nagele Christina
"Tools for the Design Revolution" critically examines the history and influences on current designs trends, giving practical guidelines and tools for creating sustainable design processes into the future. The "tools" are strategies for sustainable design informed by the challenges of social, cultural and ecological change. Finding new design ideas
2259 руб
37 Tattoos
A tattoo is more than just a decoration for the body. More than just a fashion. It is a visual expression of an attitude towards life. A tattoo is a work of art created in pain on a canvas of skin. This book will take you on a journey through all of the tattoo genres. It shows the creators and their most unusal works in pictures that will get
1761 руб
38 Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind. Teil eins und zwei
Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind. Teil eins und zwei
Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind. Teil eins und zwei
Die offizielle B?hnenfassung der Originalinszenierung von Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind. Es war nie leicht, Harry Potter zu sein – und jetzt, als Angestellter des Zaubereiministeriums, Ehemann und Vater von drei Schulkindern, ist sein Leben nicht gerade einfacher geworden. W?hrend Harrys Vergangenheit ihn immer wieder einholt, k?mpft sein
1379 руб
39 Chase hat einen Wackelzahn
Chase hat einen Wackelzahn
Chase hat einen Wackelzahn
Из серии: Pappenbuch 0000
854 руб
40 Business Analysis and Valuation. IFRS Edition. Peek Erik, Healy Paul, Palepu Krishna
Business Analysis and Valuation. IFRS Edition. Peek Erik, Healy Paul, Palepu Krishna
Business Analysis and Valuation. IFRS Edition. Peek Erik, Healy Paul, Palepu Krishna
Business Analysis and Valuation: IFRS edition uses a wide range of contemporary cases to illustrate the use of financial statement data in various valuation tasks. Centred around the IFRS Standards, this text demonstrates how to get the most information out of IFRS based financial statements. The focus is not only on building a solid understanding
7263 руб
41 Mini Beasts
Mini Beasts
Mini Beasts
Из серии: My Big Book of Answers 2018
935 руб
42 My Big Book of Answers: On the Go
My Big Book of Answers: On the Go
My Big Book of Answers: On the Go
935 руб
43 Babylon. Legend, History and the Ancient City. Seymour Michael
Babylon. Legend, History and the Ancient City. Seymour Michael
Babylon. Legend, History and the Ancient City. Seymour Michael
For two thousand years the real, physical metropolis lay buried while another, ghostly city lived on through ideas as varied as the legendary Hanging Gardens, the career of the biblical Daniel, and even the Apocalypse. More recently, the site of Babylon has been the centre of major excavation, yet the spectacular results of this work have done
3195 руб
44 Vivaldi. The four seasons
Vivaldi. The four seasons
Vivaldi. The four seasons
935 руб
45 Colours to Touch. Red
Colours to Touch. Red
Colours to Touch. Red
587 руб
46 Manual of Ophthalmology. Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Disease. Nema H.V.
Manual of Ophthalmology. Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Disease. Nema H.V.
Manual of Ophthalmology. Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Disease. Nema H.V.
It is a handy book which provides entire basic as well as recent information on eye diseases, covering in sufficient detail Etiology, Symptoms, Signs, Differential Diagnosis, Diagnosis Treatment. The Manual aims to serve as a ready-reckoner in ophthalmology which will immensely help the reader to find the information quickly. It contains
1977 руб
47 Fun English for Schools. Activity Book Level 1A
Fun English for Schools. Activity Book Level 1A
Fun English for Schools. Activity Book Level 1A
Ведущие принципы Fun English - это сделать изучение языка весёлым и привлекательным для детей. Создатели Fun English имеют 60-летний опыт преподавания английского языка. Сначала они создали игры для класса, затем на компьютерах и теперь на сенсорных мобильных устройствах. Курс состоит из 6 уровней и рассчитан на 3 года для самых маленьких (3-6
550 руб
48 Colours to Touch. Blue
Colours to Touch. Blue
Colours to Touch. Blue
587 руб
49 Colours to Touch. Yellow
Colours to Touch. Yellow
Colours to Touch. Yellow
587 руб
50 Colours to Touch. Orange
Colours to Touch. Orange
Colours to Touch. Orange
587 руб

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