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2351 Ночь нежна. Фицджеральд Ф.С.
Ночь нежна. Фицджеральд Ф.С.
Ночь нежна. Фицджеральд Ф.С.
Книга для чтения на английском языке. Фрэнсис Скотт Фицджеральд (1896-1940) — писатель и сценарист, классик американской литературы. «Ночь нежна» (1934) — один из наиболее известных романов автора. Начинающая актриса Розмари Хойт знакомится с Диком и Николь Дайвер, которые кажутся ей идеальной парой, воплощением «американской мечты». Розмари
521 руб
2352 Остров Фарисеев. Голсуорси Дж.
Остров Фарисеев. Голсуорси Дж.
Остров Фарисеев. Голсуорси Дж.
Джон Голсуорси (1867-1933) - крупнейший британский писатель, "английский Толстой". "Остров фарисеев" (1903) - первый из его наиболее известных и читаемых романов. В нем в полной мере раскрывается талант автора, мастера психологической прозы и классика английской реалистической литературы. Оригинальный текст снабжен постраничными комментариями и
277 руб
2353 Приключения. Риф Т.
Приключения. Риф Т.
Приключения. Риф Т.
В этой книге собраны рассказы об удивительных приключениях самых разных героев мировой литературы. Оригинальные английские тексты снабжены методически продуманными тренировочными упражнениями и разнообразными заданиями. Они помогут юным читателям углубить навыки владения лексико-грамматическим материалом и устной речи при пересказе текста,
146 руб
2354 The Storm. Defoe Daniel
The Storm. Defoe Daniel
The Storm. Defoe Daniel
On the evening of 26th November 1703, a cyclone from the north Atlantic hammered into southern Britain at over seventy miles an hour, claiming the lives of over 8,000 people. For Defoe, bankrupt and just released from prison for seditious writings, the storm struck during one of his bleakest moments. But it also furnished him with the material for
669 руб
2355 Санкт-Петербург. Тексты, диалоги, упражнения. Книга 3. Гацкевич М.А.
Санкт-Петербург. Тексты, диалоги, упражнения. Книга 3. Гацкевич М.А.
Санкт-Петербург. Тексты, диалоги, упражнения. Книга 3. Гацкевич М.А.
Предлагаемая книга является практическим пособием для изучения достопримечательностей Санкт-Петербурга на английском языке. Каждый раздел книги состоит из статьи об одном из храмов города, словаря, диалога и разнообразных упражнений, предназначенных для лучшего усвоения предложенного материала. Книга рассчитана на учащихся средних и старших
502 руб
2356 A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens Charles
A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens Charles
A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens Charles
After eighteen years as a political prisoner in the Bastille, the ageing Doctor Manette is finally released and reunited with his daughter in England. There the lives of two very different men, Charles Darnay, an exiled French aristocrat, and Sydney Carton, a disreputable but brilliant English lawyer, become enmeshed through their love for Lucie
977 руб
2357 Barnaby Rudge I. Dickens Charles
Barnaby Rudge I. Dickens Charles
Barnaby Rudge I. Dickens Charles
Barnaby Rudge is a story of mystery and suspense which begins with an unsolved double murder. Through the course of the novel fathers and sons become opposed, apprentices plot against their masters and Protestants clash with Catholics on the streets. And, as London erupts into riot, Barnaby himself struggles to escape the curse of his own past.
832 руб
2358 Barnaby Rudge II. Dickens Charles
Barnaby Rudge II. Dickens Charles
Barnaby Rudge II. Dickens Charles
Barnaby Rudge is a story of mystery and suspense which begins with an unsolved double murder. Through the course of the novel fathers and sons become opposed, apprentices plot against their masters and Protestants clash with Catholics on the streets. And, as London erupts into riot, Barnaby himself struggles to escape the curse of his own past.
906 руб
2359 Bleak House I. Dickens Charles
Bleak House I. Dickens Charles
Bleak House I. Dickens Charles
Bleak House opens in the twilight of foggy London, where fog grips the city most densely in the Court of Chancery. The obscure case of Jarndyce and Jarndyce, in which an inheritance is gradually devoured by legal costs, the romance of Esther Summerson and the secrets of her origin, the sleuthing of Detective Inspector Bucket and the fate of Jo the
852 руб
2360 Bleak House II. Dickens Charles
Bleak House II. Dickens Charles
Bleak House II. Dickens Charles
Bleak House opens in the twilight of foggy London, where fog grips the city most densely in the Court of Chancery. The obscure case of larndyce and Jarndyce, in which an inheritance is gradually devoured by legal costs, the romance of Esther Summerson and the secrets of her origin, the sleuthing of Detective Inspector Bucket and the fate of Jo the
754 руб
2361 Bleak House III. Dickens Charles
Bleak House III. Dickens Charles
Bleak House III. Dickens Charles
Bleak House opens in the twilight of foggy London, where fog grips the city most densely in the Court of Chancery. The obscure case of Jarndyce and Jarndyce, in which an inheritance is gradually devoured by legal costs, the romance of Esther Summerson and the secrets of her origin, the sleuthing of Detective Inspector Bucket and the fate of Jo the
975 руб
2362 Captain Singleton. Defoe Daniel
Captain Singleton. Defoe Daniel
Captain Singleton. Defoe Daniel
Daniel Defoe was an English trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer and spy. He is most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe, which is second only to the Bible in its number of translations. Capitan Sinfleton recounts the tale of Bob Singleton, a man who goes to sea at the age of twelve, makes a fortune, then loses it. Defoe here offers a
681 руб
2363 Hard Times. Dickens Charles
Hard Times. Dickens Charles
Hard Times. Dickens Charles
Dickens creates the Victorian industrial city of Coketown, in northern England, and its unforgettable citizens, such as the unwavering utilitarian Thomas Gradgrind and the factory owner Josiah Bounderby. Hard Times is the tragic story of Louisa Gradgrind and her father. When Louisa, trapped in a loveless marriage, falls prey to an idle seducer,
830 руб
2364 Heart and Science. Collins Wilkie
Heart and Science. Collins Wilkie
Heart and Science. Collins Wilkie
William Wilkie Collins was an English novelist, playwright, and short story writer. His novels are often as concerned with social issues as they are with simple storytelling - but as more and more critics are suggesting, the best of them are as readable and thought-provoking today as they were when they first appeared. Of none is this more true
916 руб
2365 Mad Monkton. Collins Wilkie
Mad Monkton. Collins Wilkie
Mad Monkton. Collins Wilkie
Mad Monkton is a bizarre ghost story. It is said that a strain of hereditary madness blights the Monkton family, heirs to the huge domain of Wincot Abbey. Rumours in the neighbourhood are that Alfred, the youngest scion, has inherited this insanity. His odd behaviour certainly points that way. Alfred is engaged to his childhood sweetheart, Ada
364 руб
2366 Mary of Marion Isle. Haggard Henry Rider
Mary of Marion Isle. Haggard Henry Rider
Mary of Marion Isle. Haggard Henry Rider
When the ship that Andrew and Clara are on, en route to Oceania, founders after striking an iceberg in the south Indian Ocean, and Andrew fetches up, with his manservant, on the desolate Marion Island, around 1,500 miles southeast of the Cape of Good Hope. It is there that Andrew finds the true love of his life, Mary, who had been shipwrecked on
727 руб
2367 No Name I. Collins Wilkie
No Name I. Collins Wilkie
No Name I. Collins Wilkie
Magdalen Vanstone and Norah - her sister learn the true meaning of social stigma in Victorian England only after the discovery that their parents, whose sudden deaths have left them orphans, were not married at the time of their birth. Disinherited by law and brutally ousted from home, the two young women are left to fend for themselves. Из серии:
785 руб
2368 No Name II. Collins Wilkie
No Name II. Collins Wilkie
No Name II. Collins Wilkie
Magdalen Vanstone and Norah - her sister learn the true meaning of social stigma in Victorian England only after the discovery that their parents, whose sudden deaths have left them orphans, were not married at the time of their birth. Disinherited by law and brutally ousted from home, the two young women are left to fend for themselves. Из серии:
989 руб
2369 Nostromo. Conrad Joseph
Nostromo. Conrad Joseph
Nostromo. Conrad Joseph
Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard is a 1904 novel by Joseph Conrad, set in the fictitious South American republic of "Costaguana". The events described in the novel are typical for political life in underdeveloped countries. The author takes up the problem of imperialism and its corrupting action even on the best people, which is the main character
1183 руб
2370 Swallow. Haggard Henry Rider
Swallow. Haggard Henry Rider
Swallow. Haggard Henry Rider
A Dutch girl raised in South Africa among the Kaffirs. Lonely, she gazes from shore over the waves of a storm-tossed sea, and dreams of a brother entering her life... and soon finds herself face-to-face with a shipwrecked waif cast ashore by the storm. Из серии: RUGRAM_Public Domain 2018
718 руб
2371 The Ancient Allan. Haggard Henry Rider
The Ancient Allan. Haggard Henry Rider
The Ancient Allan. Haggard Henry Rider
A gripping novel which takes us and the hero, adventurer Allan Quatermain, back in time. It relates several exciting adventures like a lion hunt, wrestling with a crocodile, and a large-scale battle between various armies. Из серии: RUGRAM_Public Domain 2018
617 руб
2372 The Lake Gun and other Stories. Cooper James Fenimore
The Lake Gun and other Stories. Cooper James Fenimore
The Lake Gun and other Stories. Cooper James Fenimore
The Lake Gun is a satirical short story by James Fenimore Cooper first published in 1850. The title of the story comes from a mysterious loud exploding sound coming from Seneca Lake, called "The Lake Gun" by European American settlers to the area, and known today as the Seneca Guns. These sounds remain unexplained to this day, with no clear or
492 руб
2373 The Pathfinder, or The Inland Sea. Cooper James Fenimore
The Pathfinder, or The Inland Sea. Cooper James Fenimore
The Pathfinder, or The Inland Sea. Cooper James Fenimore
A fast-paced narrative full of adventure and majestic descriptions of early frontier life, Indian raiders, and defenseless outposts, The Pathfinder set the standard for epic action literature. Vigorous, self-reliant, amazingly resourceful, and moral, Natty Bumppo is the prototype of the Western hero. A faultless arbiter of wilderness justice, he
1195 руб
2374 The People of the Mist. Haggard Henry Rider
The People of the Mist. Haggard Henry Rider
The People of the Mist. Haggard Henry Rider
The People of the Mist is a classic lost race fantasy novel. It is the tale of a British adventurer seeking wealth in the wilds of Africa, finding romance, and discovering a lost race and its monstrous god. In the novel Penniless Leonard Outram attempts to redress the undeserved loss of his family estates and fiancee by seeking his fortune in
953 руб
2375 The Red Rover. Cooper James Fenimore
The Red Rover. Cooper James Fenimore
The Red Rover. Cooper James Fenimore
The Red Rover presents some of the first serious depictions of characters of African lineage in American literature. The novel follows the activities of the sailor Dick Fid, free black sailor Scipio Africanus and Royal Navy officer James Wilder as they encounter the famous pirate, "The Red Rover". Из серии: RUGRAM_Public Domain 2018
1075 руб
2376 The Redskins; or, Indian and Injin. Cooper James Fenimore
The Redskins; or, Indian and Injin. Cooper James Fenimore
The Redskins; or, Indian and Injin. Cooper James Fenimore
James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature. This is the last volume of the Littlepage Manuscripts trilogy, narrating the history of three generations of a
1732 руб
2377 The Rescue. Conrad Joseph
The Rescue. Conrad Joseph
The Rescue. Conrad Joseph
Civil war rages between the native tribes of the Malay straits. Captain Tim Wingard sides with the Rajah Hassim. An English yacht blunders into this confusion and runs aground. When Wingard goes aboard to offer assistance, the crew gives him insolence, not gratitude. He prepares to leave...then sees a woman. She captivates him, literally holds him
925 руб
2378 The Rover. Conrad Joseph
The Rover. Conrad Joseph
The Rover. Conrad Joseph
A novel of naval life in Napoleonic France. After forty years of piracy on Eastern seas, Citizen Peyrol returns to his native France, a country now ravaged and scarred by revolution and war. Looking for peace in which to end his days, he withdraws to a safe harbor in a remote farmhouse on Escampobar Peninsula, which looks out to the distant
614 руб
2379 The Sea Lions: The Lost Sealers. Cooper James Fenimore
The Sea Lions: The Lost Sealers. Cooper James Fenimore
The Sea Lions: The Lost Sealers. Cooper James Fenimore
James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature. The plot of The Sea Lions; Or, The Lost Sealers revolves around two sealers stranded in amongst Antarctic ice. Из серии:
1046 руб
2380 The Two Admirals. Cooper James Fenimore
The Two Admirals. Cooper James Fenimore
The Two Admirals. Cooper James Fenimore
The Two Admirals is an 1842 nautical fiction novel by James Fenimore Cooper. The novel was written after the Leatherstocking Tales novel The Deerslayer. Set during the 18th century and exploring the British Royal Navy, Cooper wrote the novel out of encouragement of his English publisher, who recommended writing another sea novel. Cooper had
1220 руб
2381 The Virgin of the Sun. Haggard Henry Rider
The Virgin of the Sun. Haggard Henry Rider
The Virgin of the Sun. Haggard Henry Rider
The Virgin of the Sun is a novel by H. Rider Haggard set in South America. A tale that deals with the marvellous Incas of Peru; with the legend also that, long before the Spanish Conquerors entered on their mission of robbery and ruin, there in that undiscovered land lived and died a White God risen from the sea. Из серии: RUGRAM_Public
671 руб
2382 The Water-Witch: or the Skimmer of the Seas. Cooper James Fenimore
The Water-Witch: or the Skimmer of the Seas. Cooper James Fenimore
The Water-Witch: or the Skimmer of the Seas. Cooper James Fenimore
James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature. The novel that launched his career was The Spy, a tale about counterespionage set during the Revolutionary War and
1017 руб
2383 The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Cooper James Fenimore
The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Cooper James Fenimore
The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Cooper James Fenimore
Set in the seventeenth century on frontier land later to become part of Connecticut, The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish is a fairly realistic story of the early American wilderness experience. Captain Mark Heathcote, a widower now for more than twenty years, decides to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony and resettle in a fertile valley of the Connecticut
1369 руб
2384 The Wizard. Haggard Henry Rider
The Wizard. Haggard Henry Rider
The Wizard. Haggard Henry Rider
Whether your looking for a thought provoking adventure concerning the nature of miracles and the supernatural or simply an entertaining story about pre-colonial Africa, The Wizard will meet and exceed your expectations. Truly a rare book that could be enjoyed by both adults and children alike while teaching them valuable lessons about courage,
496 руб
2385 The Yellow God: An Idol of Africa. Haggard Henry Rider
The Yellow God: An Idol of Africa. Haggard Henry Rider
The Yellow God: An Idol of Africa. Haggard Henry Rider
The hero of the story is Alan Vernon, a young retired army major, who, after undergoing financial ruin, decides to travel to Africa to make his fortune, in hopes of eventually winning the hand of beautiful Barbara Champers-Haswell. Vernon has heard of a mysterious kingdom ruled by the priestess and plans to help himself to the gold found there. Из
643 руб
2386 Twixt Land & Sea Tales. Conrad Joseph
Twixt Land & Sea Tales. Conrad Joseph
Twixt Land & Sea Tales. Conrad Joseph
Joseph Conrad, was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language. Though he did not speak English fluently until his twenties, he was a master prose stylist who brought a non-English sensibility into English literature. The stories contained in this volume take rank with the most mature and
533 руб
2387 Leviathan in 2 volumes. Volume 1. Левиафан в 2-х томах. Том 1. Гоббс Т.
Leviathan in 2 volumes. Volume 1. Левиафан в 2-х томах. Том 1. Гоббс Т.
Leviathan in 2 volumes. Volume 1. Левиафан в 2-х томах. Том 1. Гоббс Т.
В книге представлен труд выдающегося английского философа Томаса Гоббса «Левиафан», в котором автор использует образ библейского чудовища для описания государства («смертного Бога»). В настоящее издание вошли первая и вторая части трактата. Произведение дано на языке оригинала. Знакомство с оригиналами творений классиков зарубежной литературы,
1005 руб
2388 Belshazzar. Haggard Henry Rider
Belshazzar. Haggard Henry Rider
Belshazzar. Haggard Henry Rider
The last novel written by Haggard; finished just before his death and published posthumously. Ramose is the offspring of an Egyptian Pharaoh and a Greek woman. Brought up in a life of luxury he is catapulted into a life of adventure which leads him to the fall of Babylon at the hand of the Persian Empire under Cyrus. Из серии: RUGRAM_Public
951 руб
2389 Typhoon and other Stories. Conrad Joseph
Typhoon and other Stories. Conrad Joseph
Typhoon and other Stories. Conrad Joseph
It is the story of one unremarkable steamship captain, pitted against a storm of incredible fury. Captain Macwhirr has a reputation as a solid, steadfast man, who "having just enough imagination to carry him through each successive day, and no more" cannot fully believe any storm would be a match for his powerful ship. When the barometer and other
514 руб
2390 The Road Back. Ремарк Эрих Мария
The Road Back. Ремарк Эрих Мария
The Road Back. Ремарк Эрих Мария
Вниманию читателя предлагается роман Эриха Марии Ремарка "Возвращение" в переводе на английский язык. Вчерашние мальчишки, вернувшиеся из окопов Первой мировой войны, пытаются найти свое место в мирной жизни. В книге приводится полный неадаптированный текст романа с комментариями и словарем. Из серии: Чтение в оригинале 2018
277 руб
2391 Three Comrades. Ремарк Эрих Мария
Three Comrades. Ремарк Эрих Мария
Three Comrades. Ремарк Эрих Мария
Вниманию читателя предлагается знаменитый роман "Три товарища"в переводе на английский язык. Трое молодых людей, представителей "потерянного поколения" прошедшие окопы Первой мировой войны и связанные фронтовой дружбой, пытаются найти себя и свое место в мирной жизни. В книге приводится полный неадаптированный текст романа с комментариями и
308 руб
2392 Heart of the World. Haggard Henry Rider
Heart of the World. Haggard Henry Rider
Heart of the World. Haggard Henry Rider
Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set in exotic locations, predominantly Africa, and the creator of the Lost World literary genre. This is an extraordinarily beautiful Indian princess and a white Englishman fall in love but suffer deeply because of their feelings. Из серии: RUGRAM_Public Domain 2018
796 руб
2393 Крёстный отец. Puzo Mario
Крёстный отец. Puzo Mario
Крёстный отец. Puzo Mario
Роман повествует о семье Корлеоне. Будущий глава клана, попав в США, убивает местного криминального авторитета, чем завоёвывает уважение жителей района. Дальше - больше. И вот дон Вито уже глава мафиозной Семьи, в его руках сосредоточены огромные деньги и связи. Потеряв любимого сына Санни, дон Корлеоне мечтает покончить с преступным бизнесом, но
248 руб
2394 Armadale III. Collins Wilkie
Armadale III. Collins Wilkie
Armadale III. Collins Wilkie
When the elderly Allan Armadale makes a terrible confession on his death-bed, he has little idea of the repercussions to come, for the secret he reveals involves the mysterious Lydia Gwilt: flamed-hair temptress, bigamist, laudanum addict and husband-poisoner. This traditional melodrama also considers the modern theme of the role of women in
1030 руб
2395 Precaution. Cooper James Fenimore
Precaution. Cooper James Fenimore
Precaution. Cooper James Fenimore
Precaution is the first novel written by American author James Fenimore Cooper. It was written in imitation of contemporary English domestic novels like those of Jane Austen and Amelia Opie. In the customary practice of the day Cooper was reading aloud to his wife one evening from a current English novel, but found the story dull. Throwing it
1111 руб
2396 The Black Robe. Collins Wilkie
The Black Robe. Collins Wilkie
The Black Robe. Collins Wilkie
The Black Robe is an 1881 epistolary novel by famed English writer, Willde Collins. In this novel of relationships, psychological contortion, and deceit, a priest comes between an impressionable man and the young woman he loves. Collins is best known for originating the genre of the "sensation novel" that is the precursor of the modern suspense
882 руб
2397 The Woman in White. Collins Wilkie
The Woman in White. Collins Wilkie
The Woman in White. Collins Wilkie
Willde Collins was an English novelist, playwright, and short story writer. His best-known works are The Woman in White (1859), No Name (1862), Armadale (1866) and The Moonstone (1868). The last is considered the first modern English detective novel. Sister Rose is a part of After Dark. Из серии: Original 2018
1691 руб
2398 Armadale I. Collins Wilkie
Armadale I. Collins Wilkie
Armadale I. Collins Wilkie
When the elderly Allan Armadale makes a terrible confession on his death-bed, he has little idea of the repercussions to come, for the secret he reveals involves the mysterious Lydia Gwilt: flamed-hair temptress, bigamist, laudanum addict and husband-poisoner. This traditional melodrama also considers the modern theme of the role of women in
721 руб
2399 Armadale II. Collins Wilkie
Armadale II. Collins Wilkie
Armadale II. Collins Wilkie
When the elderly Allan Armadale makes a terrible confession on his death-bed, he has little idea of the repercussions to come, for the secret he reveals involves the mysterious Lydia Gwilt: flamed-hair temptress, bigamist, laudanum addict and husband-poisoner. This traditional melodrama also considers the modern theme of the role of women in
524 руб
2400 Armadale IV, V. Collins Wilkie
Armadale IV, V. Collins Wilkie
Armadale IV, V. Collins Wilkie
When the elderly Allan Armadale makes a terrible confession on his death-bed, he has little idea of the repercussions to come, for the secret he reveals involves the mysterious Lydia Gwilt: flamed-hair temptress, bigamist, laudanum addict and husband-poisoner, This traditional melodrama also considers the modern theme of the role of women in
681 руб

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